Engagement photo session | Trim | Knightsbrook Hotel | Vicky & Phill

With Vicky and Phill, we are going to see each other again at the begining of next year, when they are getting married. Now I would like to present you, theirs engagement photo session, which we took in Trim, in few diferent locations. Enjoy !

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Christine & Noel

It has been a quite a while, since I updated my blog for a last time. Now its time, to present to all of you, what made me so occupied. Let me introduce Christine and Noel, who got married in West Cork. Ceremony had a place in beautiful St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Skibbereen, from where […]

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Fantastic job on capturing the escsene of their love for one another and their Father. Don’t know them, but their beautiful souls shine through in these photos. Christine you made an awesome bride. Iaan congrats on picking one of the most beautiful flowers in this garden we call home, may her beauty, scent and tenderness give you pleasure and fulfillment into your old age Once again well done Julie on some mesmerising photography. You and Christine share a talent that goes beyond the bounds of exceptional .

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